Search results for: “routine”

  • Routine, April 2024

    Another snapshot of how life hums. Context: I now have a full time job. I want to maintain a healthy body (not just for looks), I don’t want to stop reading like in the past when I had a full time job. I want to remain active on LinkedIn and to maintain my profile there. Daily…

  • My workout routine … for reading

    Reading non-fiction books is utilitarian for me. They are not my favorite, but I read them to learn useful skills, like building team culture or understanding my biases. Before, I read only on my Kindle, highlighting a lot. After finishing a book, I exported the highlights to organize in my database. But this method was…

  • Routine – March 2023

    Context: Post COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Everything is back to normal. I am less involved in the school. Working to become a better writer. Trying to promote my business. Still trying to get a grasp of my own mind. I weigh 62 KG. Alternating Weekday Morning Routines: Alternate 1- Workout Morning:5:55am: Wake up, changed from…

  • Routine – Sep 2021

    Daily Routine: 5am: Wake up. Make coffee. freshen up. 5:30-6:30: Work out or Meditate 6:30-7:15: Walk 🐶 7:15-8:45: Get kids ready for school. Sometimes take them to school 8:45-9: Commute to cafe 9-10: Alone work- Write, organise notes, plan calendar 10-12: Continue work and or coaching 12-14: Lunch, chill, commute 14-16: Coaching 16-18: Spend time…

  • Routine – August, 2020

    Context: COVID-19. School paused for a while. I have no job. EW demands nothing from me. Working to become a better writer. Trying to promote my business. Bouts with eating disorder, anxiety, depression. Elements of my routine were results of these bouts. I. weigh 63 KG, the heaviest in 10 years. Can’t fit into most…

  • Most useless hack: Morning routines of successful people

    She wakes up at 4:30 am. After two glasses of water, she heads to the gym for a 1 hour HIIT workout and weight training. She takes a cold shower, followed by a 25 minutes mindfulness meditation. Her breakfast includes nuts, yogurt, vegetables, and coffee. She is ready to take on the world before 7…

  • Routine – January, 2018

    Snapshot of my life, before Chai is born. Jan 2018. Yes. I have realised I am a highly routine driven person. I need routines. (Context: working at Apple, BDM. Living in Sands Street) Why am I putting these down? I want to remember what my routines are. They will all be gone soon. Also, gifting…

  • 13 Attitudes From “Meditations For Mortals”

    13 attitudes from, yep, you guessed it, ChatGPT, based on the notes I took from Oliver Burkeman’s wonderful book “Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts.” Short Guide Based on Your Notes: Finding Purpose in Midlife

  • 48

    One thing came true from my post on my 47th birthday: I am back in the corporate world this year. All the rest didn’t happen. In fact, I regressed in achieving most of those goals. I have not played my violin since I started working again. My workout routine has remained the same and hasn’t…

  • 2023 in Random Moments

    A Year of Taylor Swift, Divorces, Job Search, Losing To Screens, and Lifting Lighter Weights. In 2023, I stumbled upon a discovery that threw my fitness routine into chaos. For over a decade, I had followed a strict workout regimen, but a three-week hiatus this year taught me more about my body than all those…