Tag: family

  • Real Coaching That Actually Works

    Real Coaching That Actually Works

    Yes, that was my wife and our daughter. This was the moment our daughter broke through and started riding the bicycle. I threw all the motivational talks, behavioural interventions, and Jedi-mindtricks I knew at our daughter. I tried to create small winsâ„ , dismantled dysfunctional coping mechanisms®, focused on systems™️ ….. Purpose, mastery, autonomy! I preached.…

  • Rock the Boat, or Strive for Balance?

    Source: BBC Earth A friend had an interview with an awesome automotive startup. He also has a young kid. His current role is supremely stable. This opportunity will require him to travel 80% of his time. Established brand versus start-up; 9–6 versus 24/7; Family versus work. What should he do? To expand a bit more, his…