Month: May 2020
Facebook Eats Dog Food
As the legend goes, every year the president of Kal Kan Pet Food would eat a can of the company’s dog food at the share-holders’ meeting. “Dogfooding” means using you own products/services, so you get to understand what it is like to be your customers. Facebook recently said it would permanently embrace remote work. “We’re…
FaceTime Has a Branding Problem
It’s not serious enough for work. Apple’s FaceTime is actually fantastic for one-on-one virtual meetings- it is very easy to use, secured, and reliable. Yet every time when I suggested FaceTime, the other side would always say, “Oh I have never used it for REAL meetings.” It really didn’t matter if we actually needed the…
Read smarter with Readwise and Drafts
Two apps that make taking and reviewing reading notes simple and enjoyable. I used to highlight in the Kindle, and use a notes app to write things down from books, audiobooks, podcasts, etc. Now, I use and Drafts. Readwise makes reviewing your reading notes easy and delightful. It connects to your Kindle and captures…
Real Coaching That Actually Works
Yes, that was my wife and our daughter. This was the moment our daughter broke through and started riding the bicycle. I threw all the motivational talks, behavioural interventions, and Jedi-mindtricks I knew at our daughter. I tried to create small winsâ„ , dismantled dysfunctional coping mechanisms®, focused on systems™️ ….. Purpose, mastery, autonomy! I preached.…
The Churchillian Drift
We are suckers to smart sounding famous quotes that are fake “BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD.” Gandhi. It’s empowering when Gandhi reassured my insignificance could make a difference in this vast universe. “WE HAVE TWO LIVES, AND THE SECOND BEGINS WHEN WE REALIZE WE ONLY HAVE ONE.” Confucius. This woke me up,…