Month: October 2020

  • πŸ’΅ or πŸ’³

    Cash or credit card?Apple Pay master card pleaseCash or credit card!

  • Why Meditate?

    Why Meditate?

    I started meditation in 2012 when the Headspace app was launched. Since then I have stopped, restarted, struggled, changed many apps, attended a 10 day silent retreat. Now, I meditate daily, and I am confident to say that I will be practicing meditation for the rest of my life. So why do I meditate? I…

  • πŸ’”

    He suffered and diedI felt a new kind of painI am more complete

  • 🐘

    I zoom in and lookI don’t see an elephantI unearth essence

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    He talked and they talked Then he talked too while they talked They talked and he talked

  • πŸ’©

    He pee-ed in his pantsI made him wear a diaperHe pooped into it