Enjoy the question.
Do you like green eggs and ham?
Enjoy the question.
Because creativity comes not from the solutions. Creativity is question formulation.
Resist the answers. Delay the solutions. Enjoy the question.
Enjoy the question.
Give your brain the time to work. Give your brain the time to search.
Get into the shower. Enjoy the question there. Let your brain loose. Eureka!
Enjoy the question.
Do you like it in the rain? On a Train?
Pay attention. Listen to the murmurs. Serendipitous!
Enjoy the question.
What do you get if you multiply six by nine? Where are the aliens? Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Will Elon Musk break Twitter?
Enjoy the question.
Why is the sky blue? What’s a toilet and what is a loo?
When will I be four and a half? Why do jokes make me laugh?
Let me find out. Let us find out.
Enjoy the question.
Enjoy the question.
Awe comes from unanswered questions. Imagination comes from unfinished thoughts.
Enjoy the question.
“It’s not that I am so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer!”
Enjoy the question.
Enjoy enjoying the question.
Enjoy the question.
Inspired by Daily Meditation by Henry Shukman
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