Tag: Suffering

  • Quietness in the Era of Clubhouse

    I installed Clubhouse in late January, after the VC bros used it. I got in just in time for the famous Elon Musk chat. I have been spending hours on it. I put my hands up. I stalked my idols. I hosted rooms. Clubhouse is heaven to someone like me. I found it very safe…

  • It’s Name is Lakitu

    Is suffering a must for real reckoning and growth in life? Tiger Woods was completely humiliated during his car tree wife debacle; Steve Jobs said getting fired by his own company was the best thing that had happened to him. It is very clear that these violent jolts in life, when embraced, are soul redefining.…

  • It’s hard not to eat animals.

    But it is harder to keep eating animals. “The good is not as good as the absence of bad.” For the sake of this mental exercise, let’s put the issue of killing aside for now, because one could say we humans are evolved to eat meat, we are capable of turning escargots into caca, hence it…