Tag: WhatsApp

  • Honestly (The 2021 WhatsApp Exodus)

    The day I saw the pop-up on WhatsApp, I decided to try and ditch WhatsApp (again). What was I thinking at that moment, honestly? I did not even think about looking into it deeper. I felt it was an ultimatum, and I decided to ditch it. I ditched Facebook because of how much it took…

  • I Deleted Facebook and Bread.

    Background: Deactivated my Facebook Account. Logged out of Whatsapp. Cut out carbs. This is what happened (is happening): πŸŽ› I caught myself mindlessly flicking through … Settings on my iPhone. πŸ’¨ I fart a lot more thanks to those legumes and beans. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš–οΈ I feel like I am wearing a suit and tie while on Linkedin.…