
” 奥运官网8月23日讯 北京时间8月23日奥运会跆拳道女子67公斤以上级的1/4决赛在北京科技大学体育馆举行,我国选手陈中以1-0险胜英国选手史蒂文森晋级四强。赛后,英国队提出上诉,他们认为英国选手的一记下劈踢到了陈中头部,应该得到两分。

  裁判委员会经过观看录像回放,认为英国选手史蒂文森进攻有效,因为跆拳道比赛中击中对手头部将得到2分,因此比赛改判为英国选手2比1获胜,已经在奥运会两连冠的陈中错失实现三连冠的机会。(新体) “

Sigh. 4 out of our 5 golden moments didn’t happen. Crap. And then we added Nadal…

The first one was China’s first gold. We somehow managed to predict that 杜丽 would fail to repeat. Our first gold came from weightlifting. She didn’t wear our shoes though. We had tees, and this super cool AF1 to celebrate this first golden moment.

Then the second one was Powell. Bolt was just way too strong. But the disappointing thing was that Powell didn’t even win a medal.

The third Golden Moment was supposed to be 周春秀 from Women’s Marathon. She came third, and we executed our Golden Moment attack anyway.

Then we added Nadal’s Gold. There were no fancy golden mannequins, but we printed his Tees. However, somehow it was pulled out of the stores on the next day. I think it is because we wanted to do one for Liu Xiang … the one that we all see today.

The fourth one was the most anticipated one: Liu Xiang. Of course it didn’t happen, but we did it anyway. We had out posters. I believe this was plan B all the way. I haven’t seen his shoes yet, but the windrunner is already out. I wanted to buy it but they are all gone.

The next one is the USAB Gold Medal. This should happen, but sadly we don’t have any special products, just a tee.

The last one would be the celebration.

So this whole Golden Moment attack was quite impressive. We targeted 6 celebrations, and had a few factories nearby to print the Tees according to the actual results “Gold, Silver, time/result, world record, etc”. We also had retail changeout planned, and the team had to wait for the results, and would have one night to change 6-8 stores in Beijing and Shanghai.




