Category: 4. Live Less Bad

  • 2022: 50% Done

    It’s July, and 50% of 2022 is completed. This year has been tough. Business wise, not much has progressed. I have new consulting jobs, but I have not had new coaching clients. I am experiencing downs more frequently. I feel more unaccomplished. I am more involved in the school. I enjoyed the time I spent…

  • Enjoy The Question

    Enjoy The Question

    Enjoy the question. Do you like green eggs and ham? Enjoy the question. Because creativity comes not from the solutions. Creativity is question formulation. Resist the answers. Delay the solutions. Enjoy the question. Enjoy the question. Give your brain the time to work. Give your brain the time to search. Get into the shower. Enjoy…

  • How to Hack Death

    Memento mori, a reminder of the inevitability of death, is now a life hack. There are even apps for that. But there is a more Lindy way to hack death. Live with your cross-generational families, and like 99% of our ancestors, you have no choice but to learn to live with 💀

  • Theory of Life, circa March, 2022

    It’s been so hard to focus. My mind seems to have become even more erratic. I started working on the website for Amuse Academy. Then I watched some YouTube video. Then I began doodling this comic idea I had. Now I am writing this post. These happened in a spam of 15 minutes. I also…

  • A Momentous Day: 24th of February, 2022

    A Momentous Day: 24th of February, 2022

    Today, Russia invaded Ukraine. At the same time, Omicron is ravaging Hong Kong. Unlike previous waves, COVID feels so intimate this time around. There are people around me catching it. I have found myself stressed out, anxious and short tempered. On the positive side, I have been paying closer attention to myself. I have become…

  • How Do I Want To Feel in 2022

    Let’s look back:In 2018, I wanted to feel more “in the middle,” “joyous from nostalgia,” and “useful more consistently.” In 2019, I wanted to “just do it.” In 2020, I wanted to “be in the moment more.” And in 2021, I said I wanted to feel “I am being responsible.” Specifically, I said, I need…

  • Year 2021 In Random Moments

    This is the final piece to wrap up 2021- a selection of moments that defined the year: The Bandwagon of 2021 The Change of 2021 The Shittiest Shit I Said I Wouldn’t Do But Did Anyway in 2021 The Most Sudden End of 2021 The Most Shamelessly Proud Moment in 2021 The Best Investment in…

  • Year 2021 in Podcasts

    Year 2021 in Podcasts

    In 2018, podcasts I listened to changed my mind on Big Tech, and I quitted Facebook and IG to move away from Big Bad Tech. In 2019, I dove into meditation and spirituality. In 2020, I began to feel hopeless for humanity but also began to feel hopeful after realising there were more similarities than…

  • Routine – Sep 2021

    Daily Routine: 5am: Wake up. Make coffee. freshen up. 5:30-6:30: Work out or Meditate 6:30-7:15: Walk 🐶 7:15-8:45: Get kids ready for school. Sometimes take them to school 8:45-9: Commute to cafe 9-10: Alone work- Write, organise notes, plan calendar 10-12: Continue work and or coaching 12-14: Lunch, chill, commute 14-16: Coaching 16-18: Spend time…

  • Forever Cracked

    Ever since that year, 2011, I was forever cracked, broken. I could not get out of this never ending worry for my health. I went on a no carb little meat diet almost 10 years. Then I fell into this on-going battle with binge eating after the 10 days silent retreat. I still struggle to…