Tag: Purpose
Three Fundamental Truths @ Jan 2025
Yesterday at the gym I had a sudden realisation. To be more precise, it was more like a sudden acceptance. I have been a lot more involved in the school. I don’t think I decided this very intentionally. Nor did nor and I talked about this. It was just something that kind of happened after…
Island Waldorf School’s 1st Graduation
Last Friday, 28th of June, 2024, was our school first graduation. 7 kids finished their 8th year at our school. I became emotional as the graduation ceremony began. At that moment, I couldn’t process why I was shaken. It’s probably was a combination of realizing these children would no longer be in our school after…
沒想到,在短短25年,這個社會裏所有的真相,都變得模糊。 原來每6件我的事實當中就有4件是別人的fake news。原來低脂可減肥可致肥可減肥。原來運動是暴動是運動。 你我看到的、聽到的、體驗到的、原來是都不可能一樣的。我們可同意的、可共覓的,越來越少。 現在我們只可以依靠別人替我們的warrior hearts代言。我們只可以透過暗淡的顏色尋找共鳴和同志。我們只可以把我們對土根的愛與抱負,寄託於灣仔長大的小肉鮮22歲的壽辰派對。 我覺得很懦弱。自己所有的選擇,都很自私。我在逃避、在放棄。我是一個活廢老。每次當孩子問及一些連我自己這個成年人也不明白的問題時,我都會騙他說:「你長大後就會明白的。」我很討厭自己為什麼找不到勇氣,跟他說實話?「孩子,你長大後就會明白如何妥協的。」 維克多·弗蘭克在「Man’s Search For Meaning」一書裏說:「當一個人成功找到『意義』後,他會找到快樂,也會找到應對痛苦的能耐。」 所以每逢佳節,我都會問自己:「我是否每天都在做連三歲小孩子都知道是有意義的事情嗎?」 對我而言,唯一能幫助自己找到在這個社會偷生的能耐,就是常常認真地回答這個問題。
Why These Cliches Make Life Worse And Then Great
The purpose of life is finally obvious. It is not fun. It’s dull. It’s not romantic at all. Not something we would see in a super hero movie. The purpose of life is to go through it, raise some human beings, do some good, do less bad, and see what happens. But we lose sight…
Becoming a Billionaire
Becoming a Billionaire This is a goal of many, including, me at various points of my life. Strangely, I was convinced by some cheesy quotes to look at this differently. Specifically, a philosophical brain twist by Jason Silva … Yea I know, that Jason Silva. Hey, I said this was cheesy. He said, “Positively affect 1…
3 Career Advice
1 hurt, 1 sucked, 1 surprised This year marks the 20th of my career. I spent time in consulting, and sportswear and consumer electronics brands. Along the way I received a fair share of advice, thanks to my tendency to attract them 🤷🏻♂️. Below are three that stuck: “I am letting you burn.” This is a…