Category: 1. Boss Better
Protected: 2024 in Work
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Protected: Justice & Ego
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I Executed a Re-org
Yesterday, we executed a re-org. I let 6 people go. This is the 5th re-org/mass layoff I have been involved in- Accenture in 2001, Cyberware in 2002, Nike “category offense” in 2009, Apple “incident” in 2012. Phew. Everything started 2 days ago. All of a sudden, it became real. The names I had previously provided…
On The Edge
It’s interesting. I think one of the ways things work here is everybody needs to be on the edge. You can’t know for sure how things will turn out. You can’t know what good or bad looks like. You can’t be too sure. You have to keep trying, keep guessing, and always be unsure. I…
I Am A Presenter
We had an offsite in Macau. We shared business updates, hung out, and ate a lot. I saw the founder presented for the first time. He mimicked Jobs’ iPhone introduction speech. It was fun, energetic, and frankly, a tad emotional! I also presented. We shared retail strategy. It wasn’t my favourite kind of topic to…
Protected: Things I Want to Say To Sandy
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The Unraveling Of Self Confidence
Recently, I returned to the workplace. I took this offer because I was in a rut. My coaching practice wasn’t growing, and I was anxious about not having a steady income. The pressure of my family’s needs, though irrational, began to bother me more than I liked. I also fell into depression and melancholy often…
14 Days In
I think I am doing well “showing up” at work. I seem to have built a reputation of someone who’s genuine. I guess my background gave people the impression that I was probably capable. However, I am also bothered by what I have heard. It will take me time to see for myself some of…
Feeling Old
I keep feeling old. Old because I am indeed old. At 48, I am one of the oldest here at the company. Old because the last time I started a new job was 11 years ago. I was 36. This time I am 47. Old because I am no longer as energized in most things.…
Why Tough Love Bosses Win?
There is this Cantonese saying which says, “反轉豬肚就是💩“, (the underbelly of a pig is poop …) I find this to be a very common reaction from people towards managers giving candid feedback, with one interesting exception. Have you ever had a “tough love” kind of boss? Do you remember how they made you feel? One…