Category: 3. Muse Better

  • Day 2 Without the Apple Watch

    Day 2 Without the Apple Watch

    My watch broke 2 days ago. I wore the watch since the moment it was launched in mid 2015. It’s been 6 years. I missed it at the gym. I used the “Intervals Pro” Watch app as a haptic timer for my HIIT workouts. It worked great because I would move among intervals by following…

  • 3+1 Tips to Maximise Clubhouse

    It’s 7am in Hong Kong. Jason behind basecamp / hey email and Tobi of Shopify just showed up on clubhouse. I have 👋🏼 up. While I am waiting to be picked, I want to share with you what I wish I did when I first joined Clubhouse. 1) Write down the names of 10 people…

  • 「豐子愷漫畫書選繹」讀後感


    過往九個多月,每朝晨光乍現前,都會利用泡咖啡的數分鐘,細讀明川先生著作的「豐子愷漫畫書選繹」。 這本書是明川先生在七十年代中編寫的。而我讀的這個版本,是從二手書店裏撿回來的九十年代的修訂本。雖然在肺炎疫情期間無法外遊,但我透過此書,在過去九個多月,完成了一個八十多年的時光旅行: 三十年代老人對童真的愛慕。二戰時代兒童騎天馬與轟炸機共舞。七十年代文人對中華一瀉千里的眷戀。九十年代港人,在金碧輝煌的盛世的片刻,驀然回首,撈摸成長的傷麟。 「會不會?有人在公務之餘,春秋歲月裏,偶爾在風中月下踱一回方步?」 會不會?

  • Look Closely

    Air pauses and light stallsSoftest and quietest partsecho through my soul

  • Fundamentally Safe

    I listen to Jeff Warren’s guided meditation. The way he takes me onto meditation trips is mischievous and accurate. At the climax of his “simple meditation” trip, he asks us, to be very still, quiet, and edge ride between openness on one hand, and having this delicate direction for our attention on the other, and…

  • Realization from Scaling Up, the 📚

    I finished the Scaling Up book. It was very underwhelming. I figured out why. I was lucky I experienced most of what the book was explaining at Apple and Nike. I disliked many of the “scaled up” things, and so as I read through the Scaling Up book I could not stop thinking, “it takes…

  • Blog as of Jan, 2021

    Blog as of Jan, 2021

    This is the current layout. I like it a lot. It’s useful because it visually represents my thoughts and emotions. It helps me remember. What changed was I added the posted date and the excerpts, and I organised it in a block format. This allowed me to glance at everything more easily. After all, this…

  • A Writing App Idea 📝

    I am trying to find my perfect writing tool. I need it to be in block format, similar to the Gutenberg editor in WordPress. I love how blocks work. They are flexible and best of all, they organised my thoughts visually. I need a way to tag by paragraph and by highlights, in addition to…

  • “Grandma is gone.”

    “Grandma is gone.”

    It was late summer, a few weeks before school resumed. I was going into my senior year in college. I was quite conscious of the fact that that was the last summer break of my life. Those were the last few carefree weeks I got to spend in Hong Kong before I flew back to…

  • Super Heroes 🦹🏻

    “Who is your super hero?” I used to ask this as an interview question. I liked it because it was fun and telling. I am 45 and I am to have some fun answering this question again. Muse like Austin Kleon and master the skill to be in awe with life’s most mundane things. See…