Month: December 2020

  • How Do I Want to Feel in 2021?

    In 2020, I wanted to be in the moment more. Turns out that was the appropriate goal. There were many changes and uncertainties in 2020, from COVID to the future of our school to my mental health to my work. I am glad I chose to that goal. It was exactly how I needed to…

  • Year 2020, in #Fail

    I attempted many things, and most of them ended in … failures. Yea I can say I learned from them, but to me, the best way to salvage those lost time is to muse about them. 1. Journaling Gosh I tried so many times- morning journals, dusk journals, bullet journals, 5 minute journals, 5 year…

  • Year 2020, in Cool Finds

    I have been trying to ween off of social media in the last few years. I deleted my Facebook account. I tried to not use WhatsApp (but failed). I installed TikTok and had to throw my phone out of the window because TikTok was as powerful as The One Ring. Since then, I continued to…

  • Year 2020, in Words

    I am not going to participate in the books-I-read race, because I didn’t read that many books and I don’t like to lose. 😛 So instead, I want to share the article, the speech, the book, and the blog post that changed me in 2020. 1.The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the…

  • I Tried To Fix My Sink and Failed

    Sharon took the kids to the in-laws and I had the morning to myself. I had plans- clean up the study, improve the wifi, re-organize the store room, fold laundry, etc. Then I saw the sink was stuck. I decided to tackle it. I took the trap off, removed the gunk, but I could not…

  • Christmas 2020

    Christmas 2020

    I listened to Michael J. Fox’s interview with Terri Gross. He talked about gratitude. He has been battling Parkinson’s for 30 years. For him to share how he had to work on remaining genuinely grateful was a stern reminder of why we should and could all be truly grateful, often. He also talked about how…

  • Year 2020, in Podcasts

    Summary: Last year podcasts opened doors to me. I got deeper into meditation, spirituality, and language. They gave me new tools to live life, and then, to cope with 2020. The takeaway from all the top podcasts in 2020 was “inevitability.” History is repeating itself. This saying is glib, but it is true, and very…

  • Struggle Everyday

    I silence my mindget through the morning workoutdamn mind comes right back

  • Year 2020, Happy List

    I like to look back. There is no LinkedIn-proper reason, just nostalgia. This year, I added a “Happy List.” I think after 2020 we are permitted to be trite and cheesy in the name of universal happiness. Pardon the brags- those are intentional. Learn to Type “Colemak”I decided to type differently. I regretted it, because…

  • I love WAVE 4

    I love WAVE 4

    Hong Kong is officially in Wave 4 of COVID-19. Schools and gyms are closed. There has been a lot more untraceable cases this time. No dine-in after 6pm. Yes. Fourth time. I hate working out at home, because it’s all about maintaining. When I go to the gym, all workouts lead to “gaining.” It could…